Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lesson 32 Area Solo Check flight

1 April 2012


Moorabbin (YMMB),  Runway 17L
Weather : 17C Wind SSE 5-7kt QNH 1019, Scattered cloud at 2000ft.

Time for my Area Solo Check flight.  If I pass, I'll be allowed to fly out into the training area by myself.  Jason had already told me he was happy with my stalls last week, so we'll be focusing on my steep turns and forced landings.

I ran through my normal preflight, taxi and run-up checks and just managed to get my taxi clearance before 3-4 others request theirs.  We soon take off and climb to 2500ft, but unlike last week, I remember to change frequencies and sqawk 1200 as we leave class 'D'.

We head out along the west side of the training area. This is an area we haven't used much and it was a chance for Jason to make sure I'm aware of the boundaries to the west and south.

As we have scattered cloud at 2000ft we get to fly in between them.  I've always loved the feeling of being dwarfed by giant clouds and threading your way through the gaps between them.  I've managed to do this once or twice in a Paraglider and it never fails to leave a great big smile on my face. (Really wish I'd had time to take a photo - maybe next time)

After a quick explore, it's time for some steep turns.  First one to the right and then one to the left.  I'm starting to get much better at this and while my first one was a little messy, the left hand one was nice (with only a 40ft height change in the whole turn)

We then head a little further north and Jason pulls the power.  I get though the checklists and make my "mayday" call but I'm still taking to long (for my liking). Once again my problem is TOO MANY landing options.

Because most of the paddocks below are big open paddocks, I end up second guessing myself about which is the BEST one.  When I do this I start wasting time picking the paddock instead of flying, doing my checks, mayday call, & passenger brief.  When Jason gave me a paddock and said "you've had a engine failure go land in that paddock" I do much much better. I noticed when we were flying the west side of the training area there were much few options and I could have very quickly said "that is the paddock I'm using".

We head back to Moorabbin via GMH.  I get the ATIS, change to Moorabbin tower and make my inbound call.  I'm told to report at Sandown and join base for 17L.  (I almost forget to sqawk 3000 before I re-entered Class D airspace - this is something I'll need to watch in the future)

I report "Sandown" and are number 2 for landing - Jason makes a few calls to see if the Jabiru in the circuit would prefer to jump in front but they seemed happy to slow up a bit and follow us in.

My landing wasn't to bad and soon we are back at the school.  Jason is happy with my flight (even if I feel I need a lot more forced landing practice) and signs me off for My Area Solo.  Another step on the path to my PPL completed.

VH-TXH Piper Warrior III  -"Area Solo Check Flight" - 1.1Hrs Dual, (Total time 35.7 hrs, 3.3hr solo) 

View Area Solo Check Flight in a larger map

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