Friday, February 1, 2013

Lesson 31 - Consolidation Flight

25 March 2012


Weather : QNH 1023, Broken cloud at 2500ft and 4000ft, scattered rain, 13C, 
                light winds (5kt NW gusting to 8kt)

Today's lesson was another consolidation flight.  I've passed my area-solo theory test and I'm getting close to going solo in the training area.  The goal of today's lesson is to show Jason I can depart Moorabbin, fly out to the training area, do some practice and return safely.

Like my last consolidation flight, a month ago, Jason asks me to do something and I'm expected to know how to do it.

  First up its "take us out to the training area". I pre-flight the plane, taxi to the run-up  bay, do my run-up checks, get my taxi clearance, taxi out to 35R, get my take off clearance and depart Moorabbin on an extented downwind.
I almost forget to change to Melbourne Radar and sqwark 1200 as we leave Moorabbin's class 'D' airspace.  (However I pick up my mistake as soon as I hear the first call to the tower.)

Once in the training area we start with steep turns - first one left (not enough bank).  Next one to the right (much better) and one more to the left (good).  Just remember to get the bank right and keep eyes outside.

Next, steep descending turn - Remember to set-up for a 85-90kt descent (1800-1900rpm) first. Then bank into the turn will maintain the correct airspeed. Was Ok once I got going.

Next Stalls - HASEL (remembered and good) - First a clean power off stall - much better than earlier stalls (really pulled back and got it fully stalled) however not enough feet and slight use of ailerons to try and keep the plane level. Next  one in "approach configuration" (Ie. full flaps) - once again very slight use of ailerons.  So Jason showed my just how much you can control the plane with the rudder in the stall.    Hold yoke with 1 hand in the middle to resist urge to use it.

So one more clean stall - I made much better use of my feet - even with Jason making a wind drop.  (It was then I realised we had really moved on from him teaching me to "testing" what I knew and could do.)

Climbing back to 2500ft AMSL Jason cut's the engine.  "Forced landing" time.  Even after going over the checklists in my head for weeks, they disappear into the recesses of my brain as soon as I needed them.  By the time I remember & completed them I was at 1400ft (Not helped by the fact I'm trying to glide at 79kt instead of 73kt)

I changed paddocks at couple of times.  The first one was to close, so picked other one. However it ended up being full of sheep, so I pick the next one over.  (I'm still finding it hard to pick with so many options)  CFMS and FMOST need to be quicker .  (also turned off Fuel pump when doing the 2nd check)  didn't even get to BUSH.  What a mess!!!  I think the problem is I'm trying to to find the prefect field.

View Lesson 31 - Consolidation Flight in a larger map

 The return to GMH was uneventful.  Got the ATIS but when I call the tower with my inbound call I call them 'Moorabbin GROUND' - bugger.  I'm told to "report joining base 35R". I descend to 1000ft by Parkmore but then I let my height drift down to 800ft before I corrected it.  There is a helicopter cleared to depart at ~750ft which ends up flying just below us (not helped by the fact I started to make our descent onto base just as he flys under us).  I'm now too high turning onto final, so I reduce the power and quickly add the 3rd stage of flaps. I'm behind the plane and end up low on short finial.  I quickly reapplied power to correct this and while the landing is OK, it is still too flat.  (Not happy with the flight from Parkmore in.)

I still need to work on my stalls and forced landing, but I'm getting there.

VH-TAU Piper Warrior III  -"Consolidation Flight (2)" - 1.1Hrs Dual, (Total time 34.6 hrs: 3.3hr solo 0.5hr IF)

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