Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lesson 22 : Side Slips

5 Janurary  
Warrior III VH-TAE

Weather QNH: 1018, Wind: S light wind, Temp: 17c 
Runway 17L

It is finally here!! When we returned from our Christmas break, I was delighted to find a late Christmas present from CASA.  My Student Pilot Licence and ASIC card had finally arrived.  This means I can finally go solo!

But lets not jump to far ahead.  I haven't flown for 5 weeks, and Jason is still away on holidays, so today I going out for a lesson with Chris to "get back in the groove".  We will be doing a lesson on "Side Slips" as well as a few circuits to blow out the cobwebs.

Big side-slip -Photo by cdeclama
Side-slips are used to increase both the angle and rate of descent without increasing the airspeed.  They are used during;
  • Forced landings to loose excessive height,
  • Crosswind landings to maintain alignment with the centre line or
  • If there is a problem with the flaps.
While the plane is in equilibrium while in the slip it is out of balance.  The lateral and direction stability of the plane are trying to bring the plane back into a balance flight configuration ie roll level and straight.

A few things to remember;
  • Ailerons pressure must be maintained to maintain the bank angle
  • Rudder pressure must be maintained to maintain direction of flight 
  • You shouldn't use flaps in a side slip as it may cause damage due to sideways loads. 
  • Be extra careful not to stall the plane.  There is a good chance it will enter a spin with the controls crossed.
  • Slip is limited by the size and amount of rudder movement.  
  • The stall alarm may not work due to the sideways airflow.
  • Power should not be used to slow the descent (expect during a crosswind landing)

Out to the training area we go in trusty TAE to give it a go.  

First we line up on a nice long straight road.  Next, carb heat on, power to idle and attitude for a 90kt glide.  Now for the side slip - 20deg bank, then opposite rudder to get the nose pointing back along the road. We now use the elevators to control the speed, rudder to control the direction and ailerons to maintain the bank.

This turns out to be one of the easier lessons and after a few tries each way (left and right bank) we are soon heading back to Moorabbin via GMH.  After 5 weeks I've become pretty rusty with my radio calls and need to refer to my cheat sheet for every call.

Once at Moorabbin we  mix up the landing approaches with a glide approach, a flapless approach and a couple of normal landings.  The first 1 or 2 are a bit rough but it quickly comes back to me and the last couple are some of my best landings.

Looking forward to my next lesson with Jason and hopefully the weather (and Jason) will let me go Solo.

Till then have fun and fly safe.

View Lesson 22 Side-slipping, Circuits in a larger map

VH-TAE Piper Warrior III  - Side slips + CCTS (Glide & Flapless) 1.1hrs Dual (Total time 23.7hrs)

Things to watch in the future.
  1. Review radio calls

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