1 December
Warrior III VH-TAE
Weather QNH: 1024, Wind: SW 15kts crosswind, Temp: 15c
Runway 17L
VH-TAE Piper Warrior III - InBound and Outbound calls 1.0hrs Dual (Total time 22.6hrs)
This was to be my last flight for 2011 and we'd be making a quick trip out to the training area and back to formally cover off inbound and outbound calls, including an overfly to join the western circuit.
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Photo by Joanpix. |
This was to be a relative easy lesson as I've been looking after the radio calls for quite a while now. After getting our take-off clearance and taking off, we review all the things I need to do when departing Moorabbin's Class D airspace.
- Leave on an extend upwind, crosswind or downwind leg.
- Continue to climb to 2500ft AMSL (above this and you are in Melbourne Class C airspace)
- At 3nm change transponder from 3000 to 1200 and change radio freq to 135.7 (Melbourne Radar)
- Remember to stay clear of the inbound reporting points (Carrum, GMH, Brighton, Academy etc)
We also reviewed the normal inbound (arrival) procedure
- Arrive via one of the reporting points (From the training area that means Carrum or GMH)
- Before we arrive at the reporting point we need to do the following
- Check the ATIS (120.9)
- descend to 1500ft AMSL
- Starting monitoring the tower frequency (GMH 118.1, Carrum 123.0) for other aircraft at the reporting point.
- Look out for other inbound aircraft
- At the reporting point we need to establish two way communications with the tower.
"Moorabbin Tower, Warrior, Tango, Alpha, Echo, GMH, One Thousand five hundred, received <ATIS code>, Inbound. - The tower then needs to clear as to enter the Class D airspace and join the circuit. This will often involve a second reporting point like Parkmore (A shopping centre approximately 3nm from Moorabbin ) or Sandown (A race course about 5nm from Moorabbin) Eg "Tango Alpha Echo, Join based for 17L, report Sandown"
- After reading back the clearance it is time to descend to 1000ft AMSL and make sure the transponder is squawking 3000.
- When we report at the next reporting point we are normally given sequencing information eg "Number two following Cessna turning final"
- In order to reduce my workload in the circuit, I try to get the pre-landing checks out of the way as soon as possible.
- "Moorabbin Tower, Warrior, Tango, Alpha, Echo, GMH, One Thousand five hundred, received <ATIS code>, Inbound. Request overfly for western circuit"
- The tower will provide a clearance something like
"Tango, Alpha, Echo, maintain One Thousand Five Hundred, Change frequency to 123.0 and report once overhead the field" - So instead of descending we make fly straight and level towards the middle of the field. Squawking 3000.
- When we are over the middle of the runway we change frequency to 123.0 and report.
"Tango, Alpha, Echo, overhead the field, touch and go" - The tower will provide instruction for joining the circuits
"Tango, Alpha, Echo,Join Downwind for 17R, number two, following Cessna turning base" - We then start descending to 1000ft AMSL and join the downwind leg (making sure to lookout for other aircraft) and land as normal.
So after doing a few more crosswind landings we called it "an great day for flying" and taxied back to the school
Hopefully the new year while bring my SPL and ASIC card so I can finally go solo.
Hopefully the new year while bring my SPL and ASIC card so I can finally go solo.
VH-TAE Piper Warrior III - InBound and Outbound calls 1.0hrs Dual (Total time 22.6hrs)
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