Monday, February 11, 2013


15 April 2012


Moorabbin YMMB 35R
Weather : 19C, Wind 350 15kt, QNH 1022, CAVOK

It was a beautiful day, light winds, not too hot and not a cloud in the sky. Driving to the flight school I was excited about doing my first area solo.

However, when I arrived Jason starts briefing me for short field take offs and landings. My hopes were dashed!! That is until I remind him I've completed my area solo check, the theory and was hoping to go solo today. He'd forgotten - change of plans. He quickly hands me the keys and sent me on my way.

In the southern runup bay

Tango Alpha X-ray had just finished a 100 hourly maintenance check, so the controls felt silky smooth. In no time I was in the air and leaving the circuit for the first time by myself. 

The Frankston Bypass under construction
Heading Home

Being solo in the training area was very different from being solo in the circuit - for the first time, since I started training, "I" need to decide what happens next. In the circuit you fly at 1000ft agl, takeoff, climb , turn crosswind, turn downwind, talk to the tower, fly downwind, do your pre-landing checks, turn base, descend, turn final, get clearance and land. In the training area, I decide what height to fly, which way to turn, when to climb or descend, what manoevour to perform, and even when I want to head back - I'm in control and its a blast.

I practice steep turns, power off stalls, clean and with flaps, side slips, and emergency landings. And they are all prefect - just kidding, but with no one else in the plane, who can say otherwise :-)
In what seems like no time at all, it's time to head back to Moorabbin via GMH. While my landing was one of my best (I wish someone was in the plane for it) the approach wasn't as pretty.

The tower had asked me to join base for 35R. I start my descent to early and end up being low on base. I managed to climb back for to the correct altitude for my turn onto final, but I need to get better at judging the point to start my descent.

What a great day for flying. I'm really looking forward to more solo flights, passing my GFPT and heading out on a cross country navigation lesson.

VH-TAX Piper Warrior III  -"First Area Solo" - 1.1Hrs Dual, (Total time 36.8 hrs, 4.4hr solo) 

View First Area Solo in a larger map

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