Monday, August 15, 2011

Getting Started

So after 12 years of paragliding why did I decide to start learning to fly a plane?

  1. Kids! Paragliding is a very time intensive and very weather dependent sport.  To go flying I'd normal drive 4 hours to Bright for the weekend on the off chance it was flyable. If I did fly I'd maybe fly for an hour or two.  With 3 young kids in the back, it didn't seem worth it any more.
  2. I've always wanted to fly a light plane. Ever since I was a kid of loved planes. I made model planes, I joined the Air Cadets, and went Gliding in a sailplane a couple of times and also claimed I was going to be Pilot when I grew up.
  3. Moorabbin Airport is only 15 minutes for home. So for 15mins travel I could get a guaranteed hours flying vs 4 hrs travel for maybe an hour.  
So maybe it was time to start training for my PPL.

I started talking to a few people about the idea, starting with a paragliding friend who has his PPL and a share in a plane at Moorabbin.  He gave me 2 good pieces of advise
  1.  go for a flight with him (I was sold on the idea after that) and 
  2. book at least a lesson a week as after family and weather is taken into account you'll probably average a lesson a fortnight.  (If you book a lesson every 2 weeks and one gets cancelled then it will be a month between lessons and you'll spend the first half of the lesson remember what you did last time)
I also discovered another paragliding friend, Owen,  was also thinking I've getting his PPL.  There is nothing better than learning with like minded friends to share the experience with.

Now the only issue was picking a school and money (when isn't it).

Right from the start I was leaning towards Moorabbin Flying Services for a few reasons
  1. They have newer planes.  While a bit more expensive, the idea of learning in a new plane gave me the perception of greater safety and few problems.  
  2.  Owen had started his lesson and recommended his instructor. (This has turned out to be a great recommendation)
  3. Another one of my paragliding friends brother is the CEO. Like to keep it in the family if I can :-)

After putting it off for another few months my wife and kids got me a voucher for my first lesson and my student license for Xmas/birthday, so no excuses. I gave MFS a call and booked in my first lesson.  Let the adventure begin.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Ever since I was a kid I've wanted to fly!  While I managed a couple of flights in a sailplane and even a flight in a CT4 Airtrainer it wasn't until 1998 I started doing any flying on a regular basis.  While I couldn't afford GA flying at the time, I took up paragliding.   However after 12 years, over 400 logged hours and the birth of 3 kids it was time to move on to fulfill my dream of getting my Private Pilot's License.

I've decided to blog about my flying for 2 reasons 1) It helps cement what I've learnt in my 40 year old brain and 2) I feel a lot can be learnt from sharing experience.  I know I've loved reading/hearing about everyone else flying stories.

While I'm currently just finished my 8th lesson, I'm going to start this blog back at lesson one and take you on the whole journey (I may even throw it a few post about my past flying experiences.)  

So stay tuned for lesson 1 - coming soon.