6 March 2012
VH-TXH Piper Warrior III
Takeoff - Moorabbin (YMMB) 17LWeather - QNH 1023, ~18C, Overcast (~2000ft) clearing,
12kt (20kt gusts) max 8kt crosswind, SW-SSW.
Wasn't sure what I'd be doing today. There was a lot of low cloud around especially towards the training area but it seemed to be breaking up. I doubted we would be doing more stall practice, maybe forced landings or some solo circuits. I was wrong, it was time for an introduction to instrument flying.
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"under the hood" - Photo from Pilot Brad's Blog |
After a quick briefing on the "scan" it was off to the training area. As we climbed through 1500ft Jason took over while I put on "the hood". Now all I can see is the instrument panel.
Today I'm flying one of the warriors with glass panels, but the principle is the same. I need to keep "scanning" if I'm going to keep the plane flying upright and in the direction I want. I can't trust my "feeling".
The scan goes as follows - Artificial horizon (AH), Air Speed, AH, Altitude, AH, Gyro compass, AH, Rate of climb, AH, engine speed, AH, Turn coordinator, then back to the start. Remembering not to spend to much time focused on one instrument.
We climb and I completely missed the Altitude I was suppose to level off at - in fact I was so focused on the instruments I can't even remember Jason telling me it. First straight and level on a heading. I'm doing OK flying level but find I keep turning slightly to the left by about 6-8degs before I notice and correct it.
Next a couple of turns. I quickly found that every time I need to do something else my scan slowed or I focus on one instrument for too long. (Eg bank and heading during a turn or setting the heading bug). Having said that I was enjoying this lesson and felt nice and relaxed, so Jason gets me to put my head down and try some simple unusual attitude recoveries.
Was amazed how quickly I became disorientated. It soon felt like the plane was slipping sideways out of the sky with it's nose high. In reality we were straight and level, nose down. My recovery wasn't too bad but was a bit slow reducing the power.
After 0.5hrs under the hood it was time to take it off and return to Moorabbin. Took me a couple of seconds to re-orientate and point us in the direction of GMH. Even then I spend quite a while re-confirming we are heading in the right direction and getting back into "VFR" mode.
On arrival we do a couple of circuits (crosswind) and I realise how much more "crosswind landing" practice I need. Also practiced keeping more power on during final (for gusty day) but in doing so, I kept letting the airspeed creep up.
Really enjoyed the day and starting to feel more "in control" of the aircraft as opposed to "trying/learning" to fly it.
VH-TXH Piper Warrior III -"Basic IF" - 1.3Hrs Dual, 0.5hrs IF (Total time 32.1 hrs)
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