Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lesson 18 - Intro to Cross wind landings

November 14th
Warrior III VH-TYD

Weather QNH: 1007, Wind: 206-260deg Crosswind upto 10kts, Temp: 18C Clear skies.
Runway  31R

Just as my landings are improving it was time to introduce crosswind landings.  I don't know what was with me, but is was also going to be a day of "little" errors.

My first error for the day was during the start up checks.  As I finished the checks, Jason asked that question you knows means you stuffed up - "Did you miss anything?".   A quick visual scan quickly told me what it was Mixture Rich. How did I miss that?

Next was my first radio call.  Today we were using 31R which is not a runway I've used much.  So when I make my taxi request I ask to go to 35R.  After being corrected by Moorabbin ground, I confirmed I want 31R, and get my taxi clearance.

Then I did it again!! The read back was "Taxi bravo, cleared to cross 35L,35R and 22, hold at Bravo 31R Tango Yankee Delta".   By time I got to the end, I stuffed up and said ... "Hold at Bravo 35RLike I said, not my day.

So finially we get to the holding point, complete the last checks and were cleared for take off.  Being 31R my usually landmarks are all wrong, so my first downwind track looks more like I'm using 35R.  After get new reference points sorted out they look a lot better.

First we did a couple of flapless landings to get into the grove - they were probably the best landings I've done so far.

Next Jason demos the finer points of cross wind landings.  The wind is coming from the left so;
  1. We crab into the wind so our track is straight down the center line.   (crabbing is something you do a lot when paragliding, so I'm comfortable travelling sideways across the ground.)
  2. Just before touch down, we apply left aileron and right rudder so the plane is now in a side-slip. (Banked left but nose now aimed straight down the center line.) Remembering to be free and easy on the controls to adjust for wind changes.
  3. When we land the left (into wind) wheel will touch first, then the right and finally the nose wheel.
  4. Before the nose wheel touches down - neutralise the rudder so the nose wheel is straight down the runway.  
  5. Keep the alieron turned left during the roll/taxi
Simple - ha!  I can see this is going to need a lot of practice. I manage to do another 4 landings before it was time to call it quits.   While I got the plane down ok it wasn't always pretty.

Once again another long read back - "cleared to turn right onto echo and onto alpha 1, cleared to cross 35R, and 35L, Tango Yankee Delta",  This time I managed to get it right but from now on I must remember to have the airport map in my hand before I make the taxi request.

View Circuits, Flapless, Intro to crosswind in a larger map
VH-TYD Piper Warrior III  - Circuits 1.1hrs Dual (Total time 19.4hrs)

Things to watch in the future.
  1. Take the time to make sure every item on the check list has been completed.
  2. Watch the radio calls - worth noting down runway, QNH, winds, and ATIS code.
  3. Take extra care to get my bearing right for the first circuit of the day (Especially when using a different runway)
  4. Have the taxiway map ready for taxi calls.

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